The coverage referred to in property casualty insurance is generally the protection against most risks to your property. This risk could be anything that might cause a lawsuit or claim, such as fire, theft and weather damage. Property casualty insurance includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, and homeowners insurance.
As your Las Vegas EINSURE broker, we offer property casualty insurance to protect you against replacing your possessions should a fire, flood or other act of vandalism occur. There are many factors that go into what is and is not covered by your policy, make sure that you have an insurance broker explain all of your options and get you the property casualty insurance that you want.
We do the shopping for your coverage and take the time to explain each line of coverage so that you understand what is available, so you have the exact coverage you need for:
Auto Insurance: We shop the coverages available for your automobile, classic auto, antique auto, motorcycle, motor coach, ATV, RV and more. Get custom tailored auto insurance for your personal or commercial automobile.
Homeowners Insurance: Protect your home and cover your property with EINSURE custom tailored solutions for your dwelling insurance needs.
We have all of the specialized coverages you need to fully protect your home, property, business and assets from the unthinkable. When you have EINSURE as your local insurance broker you can rest with peace of mind. We have the specialized insurance coverage lines, such as:
Fire Insurance: As a dry desert area, the potential for fires are constant. Smoke, water and even emergency services can be covered under a fire insurance policy.
Flood Insurance: While we live in a desert, Las Vegas residents know all too well about one of nature’s biggest killers, floods. Even little ones can cause big damage.
Earthquake Insurance: Living in such a seismically active area earthquake insurance should be a part of your insurance policy.
Valuable Item Coverage: As an additional coverage through specific providers, valuable item coverage is available to cover certain high-priced items in your home.
Receive your Free Quote for Property Casualty Insurance Today.