Like any other monthly service, there are a number of factors that contribute to the cost of auto insurance. Knowing what you are paying for, and what those lines of coverage include or exclude can make a big difference when you need to use your insurance. Understanding what your auto insurance covers may help you […]
Adding Insurance Can Reduce Overall Premium
There are a lot of ways to reduce your monthly premium for insurance coverage, today we will explain a way of adding coverage which may reduce your bill. Yes, you read that correctly. You are probably thinking that in order to add a new line of insurance and reduce your overall premium you will have […]
Wedding Planning with EINSURE
Your wedding day should be one of the happiest days of your life, and from May to September, like the weather, wedding season is heating up. While no one wants to think about the possibility of unforeseen problems on this day, the fact is that wedding insurance can protect you in case the unthinkable happens. […]
What is a High Risk Driver?
All together too often the term “High Risk Driver” has a direct affiliation with a driver that is highly aggressive, has been at fault for multiple accidents, or is just plain irresponsible on the roads. While all of these things may be true, being considered a high risk driver is actually a much broader term […]
Protecting your Belongings & your Family
Some insurances are considered cut and dry. Auto insurance and health insurance are so commonplace that they are not even optional anymore, they are now required. But there are insurances that allow you to leave your family and your pocketbook vulnerable, should something terrible happen. Today, we want to talk to you about an insurance […]
The Talk No One Wants To Have
Life Insurance, it’s a dreaded conversation to have, but the truth is, whether you are old or young, have ten or zero dependents, are in great health or poor, you never know what tomorrow may bring. The sad truth of the matter is that regardless of your position right now, life insurance is a necessity. […]
Selecting the Right Vehicle for your Teen
Most teens spend countless hours dreaming of getting their drivers license and their first car. It can be a source of spirited debate in many households, because there is frequently a significant difference of opinion about what kind of vehicle a teen wants and what kind a parent will allow. When you are faced with […]
What you Should Know When Your Teen Begins To Drive
It has often been said that children are our future, which is why Mercury Insurance works hard to help protect you and your family. As parents, we often can’t control what happens to our children as they grow up and begin to drive, but we can make sure they are properly prepared when they get […]